Uncle Majid, a cherished culinary gem renowned for its authentic Filipino flavors, has unveiled its latest treasure: a brand-new branch nestled in Riyadh. This exciting addition joins the ranks of its esteemed counterparts in Jeddah's Al Faisaliyah and Ghernatah, promising Riyadh's food enthusiasts an unparalleled taste journey through the heart of the Philippines. Situated within the vibrant confines of Villagio Mall, this newest outpost invites patrons to embark on a gastronomic adventure, where traditional delicacies like Bulalo intertwine with innovative culinary marvels, all meticulously crafted from the freshest ingredients. Whether seeking the comforting taste of home or a culinary escapade, Uncle Majid beckons with its inviting ambiance and promise of unforgettable dining experiences. With its ever-growing legion of Filipino food aficionados, Uncle Majid cements its status as the quintessential destination for Filipino gastronomy in Saudi Arabia. Join us in discovering the soul of Filipino cuisine at our newest Riyadh enclave.